Archives de catégorie: art

« if » by Rudyard Kipling

I am proud to show a little bit different project I made few months ago as director and cinematographer, mix between video art and dance video, created by my dear friend Allister Madin, daner at Opéra de Paris. Here are his words to introduce de film: « A year ago today, […]


Official poster of the upcoming feature length documentary « Timeless Beauty »! Many thanks to our designer Maria Basheva ! IMDB 

Bulgarian month of photography 2017

I am glad to announce that Out of Stage project is selected for the Bulgarian month of photography.   After the VIF festival in Vincennes, now my project will fly to Sofia, as part of the 24 exhibitions in the biggest photo event in Bulgaria. A selection of 10 pictures […]

Part of the scenography

Few weeks ago I was camera operator in Opera de Paris for a video part of the scenography in the opera Iphigénie en Tauride by Gluck, directed by Denis Guéguin. What a pleasure to be part of this big process and being screened on stage on this huge screen size […]

The movie « Out of Stage Project » is on the way

Few weeks ago, I completed the shooting of the movie « Out of Stage Project » with my friends, the dancers and choreographers Allister Madin and Fanny Gorse from Opera de Paris.   The movie is an important part of the project. We took 4 days to film that in different location, in […]

1st Exhibition for « Out of Stage Project »

I am glad to invite everybody who loves contemporary dance and all about the mouvement in photography, to the first exhibition of « Out of Stage Project » the 16th December 2014 in café Craft, 24 Rue des Vinaigriers, 75010, Paris. – 19h00   The project began in 2011 when we took […]

National contest for Contemporary Art « Yordan Parushev »

I am really happy with the achievement of my project to organize with my foundation  named after my father, a national contest for Contemporary Art for young bulgarian artists ! Prestigious jury members, big prize, catalog, 4 exhibitions across Bulgaria and the last one in Paris, France ! That was awesome ! […]

Imaginary Zones

This is my new video art project, part of the project « Imaginary zones » by Iglika Christova and Céline Tran (Katsuni). Heavy black and white pictures with some glide and crane mouvements, it was a pleasure to put images on the artists ideas ! Works projected taken from the project « Imaginary […]

Nuit Blanche 2013

During the Parisian street art event of the year « Nuit Blanche » 4500 people came to see in Bibliotheque Forney the installation of my mother, the artist Elena Paroucheva and my film about her work « The soucre » which is part of her big 10 years project « Electric art ». Madame the french minister of […]